(08) 8370 6880 442b Main Road Coromandel Valley
South Australia 5051

NEW Mums n Bubs Pilates

NEW Mums n Bubs Pilates

NEW Term 4


9:30 to 10:30am

School Term Only

Pre paid per term

Commencing Term 4 - Friday 18 October

Free Come n Try Friday 20 September

Mums n Bubs Pilates focuses on core recovery and conditioning after birth. Tasmin will guide you through strength and stretching to regain poise.

Babies before mobile. BYO mats, towel and drink bottle. Some mats available to borrow.

FREE Come n Try Friday 20 September 9:30am

Further Information:

Fun for you and your baby. Bring a friend and stay for a coffee and catch up after in the lovely surrounds.


Coromandel Community Centre
442B Main Road, Coromandel Valley