(08) 8370 6880 442b Main Road Coromandel Valley
South Australia 5051

Dungeons & Dragons Club (8-13 year olds)

Dungeons & Dragons Club (8-13 year olds)

** 2 GROUPS **


3.45pm - 5.45pm

School Term Only

13 November - 4 December


Join the Dungeon Master on this epic adventure. Build on your character & your imagined world each week.

Minimum and maximum of 8 players.

Cost: $112 for 4 Weeks, pre-paid per person

Further Information:

Bring your own drink.

Players are encouraged to bring their own dice, a journal or paper, pens or pencils.

Pre paid per person per term.

Phone the Centre on 8370 6880 to enquire and pay.


Coromandel Community Centre
442B Main Road, Coromandel Valley